

Top 100 Science Stories of 2007

The trends and events that most changed our understanding and our world




38项:数学的进展威胁到计算机的安全(Math Advance Threatens Computer Security, about the factorization of a 307-digit number)。相关链接:Schneier on Security


47项:248维的数学问题被解决(248-Dimensional Math Problem Solved, about the mapping of E8)。相关链接:A Mathematical Solution for Another Dimension


56项:微积分最早是在中世纪的印度发展起来(Calculus Was Developed in Medieval India, about evidence that 14th century mathematicians in India may have used infinite series)。相关链接:The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics


59项:清真寺装饰花纹上暗藏数学进展(Math Breakthrough Spotted on Mosques, about similarities between some mosaics in medieval mosques and quasi-crystals)。相关链接:Medieval Islamic tiling reveals mathematical savvy