

Geometry and self-righting of turtles

Terrestrial animals with rigid shells face imminent danger when turned upside down. A rich variety of righting strategies of beetle and turtle species have been described, but the exact role of the shell's geometry in righting is so far unknown. These strategies are often based on active mechanisms, e.g. most beetles self-right via motion of their legs or wings; flat, aquatic turtles use their muscular neck to flip back. On the other hand, highly domed, terrestrial turtles with short limbs and necks have virtually no active control: here shape itself may serve as a fundamental tool. Based on field data gathered on a broad spectrum of aquatic and terrestrial turtle species we develop a geometric model of the shell. Inspired by recent mathematical results, we demonstrate that a simple mechanical classification of the model is closely linked to the animals' righting strategy. Specifically, we show that the exact geometry of highly domed terrestrial species is close to optimal for self-righting, and the shell's shape is the predominant factor of their ability to flip back. Our study illustrates how evolution solved a far-from-trivial geometrical problem and equipped some turtles with monostatic shells: beautiful forms, which rarely appear in nature otherwise.

阿根廷蛇颈龟(Hydromedusa tectifera)常以头触地来使自己翻身 

据国外媒体报道,匈牙利科学家最近研究发现,龟鳖目动物在背甲着地后采取的翻转策略与其背甲形态有着密切关系,这种关系可由一个几何学模型来说明。研究报告发表在《英国皇家学会学报B辑》Proceedings of the Royal Society B20071016在线版(Geometry and self-righting of turtles)


在自然界中,背甲着地,四脚朝天对龟鳖目动物来说是一个很危险,甚至危及生命的不利姿势。在这种情况下,绝大多数龟鳖目动物都能尽快翻转过来保护自己。问题是,如果把一只龟或鳖四脚朝天放在地上,它会用什么样的办法翻转过来呢?它为什么不采取别的策略呢?匈牙利布达佩斯大学技术经济学院的数学家彼得·凡康Péter L. Várkonyi)发出了这样的疑问。对于这个问题,尽管科学家已描述过各种龟鳖目动物翻转时采取的不同策略,但背甲的几何学形状在翻转过程中的具体作用却从没有认真研究过。


于是,凡康Péter L. Várkonyi)与同事收集了17种共计30只龟的背甲形状,并得到了一个背甲的几何学模型。在这个模型中,他们发现,龟鳖目动物背甲的几何学形状与动物采取的翻转策略有紧密联系:背甲的高度、宽度和曲率等参数不同,动物在背甲着地时的翻转策略也就不同。例如,海龟由于适应水中游泳,背甲变得扁平,它在背甲着地的情况下会发挥自己的优势,用强有力的颈部将头部抵在地上作为着力点,将自己翻转过来。而背甲较高呈型的陆龟由于颈部和四肢不够长,就不能以海龟的方式翻转,而必须借助重力和龟壳的几何学特征(一般通过甩动头部或四肢)来翻转身体,事实上,陆龟的型背甲在翻转中是起关键作用的,其背甲的各项参数十分接近研究得出的最佳模型。


    开始研究前,我总以为龟鳖这样的有壳动物在背甲着地的情况下得花很大的力气,尝试好多次才能翻身,现在看来,它们只需进化出一副恰当形状的背甲,就能毫不费劲地翻转过来。这项研究显示了大自然的奇妙之处,生物进化能够暗合几何学原理,产生出各种看似怪异其实合理的生物形态,凡康Péter L. Várkonyi)说。