数学与时尚交汇:菲尔兹奖获得者Thurston 的概念激发设计师的灵感


Mathematics Meets Fashion: Thurston's Concepts Inspire Designer

An ABC News report, "Fashion and Advanced Mathematics Meet at Miyake: Fashion and advanced mathematics collide at Japanese label Issey Miyake," generated a lot of interest in the mathematics and fashion communities. Drawings by William Thurston (a pioneer in the field of low-dimensional topology, 1982 Fields Medal winner, and professor of mathematics and computer science at Cornell University) inspired designer Dai Fujiwara (Issey Miyake, Inc.).

Thurston and Fujiwara 

William Thurston and Dai Fujiwara with a turkshead knot (of hyperbolic type). Photograph by Takeshi Miyamoto.

One of Thurston's Geometry Link Models that inspired Fujiwara.


Mikaye models on the runway, wearing clothing inspired by topology. Photograph by Frédérique Dumoulin.